**Describe the bug**
On running Stacks node using docker with image release: node crashes with panic: `FATAL: called a nakamoto function outside of epoch 3`
**Steps To Reproduce**
It is …
I came across a curious question.
Let's say there is a robot equipped with the exploration planner module and an independent SLAM module running for localization and relocalization.
Let us say that …
(gh2) root@autodl-container-7d95439be5-49723134:~/GaitGraph2# python gaitgraph_casia_b.py --config GaitGraph/configs/casia_b.yaml
|'''''''''''''╔╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬ _____ ______ __…
I'm following the demo with turtlebot3 model and my model. Both work fine when using libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so
![Screenshot from 2024-11-23 21-24-10](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c35…
edit the `humannorm-texture-coarse.yaml` as below:
material_type: "pbr-material"
material_activation: sigmoid
environment_texture: "load/lights/mud_road_puresky_1k.hdr"
首先感谢你这优秀的工作。我成功在NYU训练成功,但是在SCANNT数据集上一直失败,我可以确信某些数据应该是在计算损失的时候会出现nan,并且在您的原始代码中出现了类似# print(521, torch.any(torch.isnan(out_dict['depth_1_1']))),请问是否是部分场景本身的错误导致,我根据你代码中的指示,删除了对应的场景,但还是在其他场景下出现了类似的错误。请…
I had a question regarding using s-graph+ with RGB-D camera. We have a zed camera on the robot. Is it possible to use it with that camera?
As the code is currently written I believe that loop closure is currently not possible. Additionally, if the drone performs a slam initialization in say the North direction and rotates to the South d…
dgitz updated
9 years ago
You should be able to run final .slint code, like taking data from the UI, before your app (or just window) is shut down. This is similar to #6401, but would allow to run code unconditiona…
E/flutter ( 5030): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: 'package:flutter/src/widgets/scroll_controller.dart': Failed assertion: line 157 pos 12: '_positions.isNotEmp…