Hello. First, nice project!
I have tried various configurations (see below for current ones), but I just can't get any content to appear in the web interface.
The connection between my Kodi media…
Hello, I noticed the [README](https://github.com/himred/gld/blob/master/README.md) only mentions MySQL. Considering most distros run MariaDB by default it would only be fair to also mention MariaDB, a…
Hello, is trojan-gfw compatible with MariaDB? Could it be added to the README? MariaDB is the default in most distros, so good to remove any compatibility doubts.
[mariadb-10.11.8.tar.gz] found
--2024-08-29 16:35:20-- https://mirrors.xtom.com.hk/mariadb/mariadb-10.11.8/source/md5sums.txt
Resolving mirrors.xtom.com.hk (mirrors.xtom.com.hk)... 2403:2c80:5::6, …
Hello, I noticed the [README](https://github.com/ctdk/goiardi/blob/master/README.md) only mentions MySQL. Considering most distros run MariaDB by default, it would only be fair to also mention MariaDB…
### Environment
Jmix version: 2.4.0
### Steps To Reproduce
1. Create a new project
2. Configure MariaDB datastore
3. Run the application
4. Try to login
### Current Behavior
Hello, does sails support MariaDB? I noticed that MySQL is mentioned in the [README](https://github.com/balderdashy/sails/blob/master/README.md) and e.g. on the [available adapters](https://sailsjs.co…
OperationalError at /accounts/drupal_oauth_provider/login/
(2006, '')
This is typically caused by the mariadb connection in django no longer being active when used.
Possibly caused by our rece…
Hello, I noticed the documentation only mentions [mysql](https://goiardi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/search.html?q=mysql&check_keywords=yes&area=default#), but not [mariadb](https://goiardi.readthedocs.i…
Drush fails to import SQL dumps generated with a recent version of MariaDB:
In SqlCommands.php line 183: