When compiling for CR4NT220801C10 version of the E3 Free-Run board with BLTouch support, BLTouch will not deploy.
Expected behavior would be that there was support for this board in the Marlin firm…
### Did you test the latest `bugfix-2.1.x` code?
Yes, and the problem still exists.
### Bug Description
Setting flow rate value (via M221 or LCD interface) lower then 100 results in the extrusion r…
How feasible would it be to make this plugin work with a marlin firmware based printer ?
What do http://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins/eeprom_marlin/ and https://github.com/Salandora/OctoPrint-EEPR…
Config files and wiring photos below
Ender 5 plus w/ BLTouch
SKR Mini E3 V3.0
TFT35-E3 V3.0
I assembled my hardware about 1 week ago and have been fighting serial communication issues since. I s…
Hi there,
I own an Ender 6 and wanted to get better prints, more and better settings and more information about printer and printings.
That's why I bought the BTT SKR Mini E3 V3.0 and the BTT TFT35…
# Marlin Firmware - Modified Ender 3 Pro | TinyComputers.io
Marlin Firmware for a modified Creality Ender 3 Pro
I'm adding support for the Marlin firmware when used in CNC machines instead of 3D Printers (Cyclone PCB and Portal Cyclone, for example)
I'm trying to set up M600 for color changes between layers, running programs from Octoprint. The M600 command will work to position the tool head and unload the filament, but nothing I try will make i…
The last update is from 2 September. In the meantime there have been various updates from Marlin. It would be nice if there was an up-to-date firmware for the Vyper.
I am planning on replacing the mainboard for my Creality Ender 5 Plus with a BTT SKR Mini E3 V3.0, and I am having extreme difficulties figuring out how to configure the Marlin Firmware to work with m…