I am currently using a microscan3 pro. I am able to get data from the scanner and display it using rviz. It looks like this:
I have a Microscan3 Pro I'm trying to view the data in ROS and I'm having a little trouble. I have:
Built the software
Verified that the sensor is operational (attached to a PLC, show…
Does the microscan3 support the TCP connection mode? What would it require to use this mode?
I think most of the other ROS lasers use TCP by default so that the host_ip isn't required in the conne…
Greetings. I have a Microscan3 Pro I'm trying to tie into a computer application and I'm having a little trouble. I have:
1. Built the software
2. Verified that the sensor is operational (attached…
Hi, I am testing Microscan3 Pro (MICS3-CBAZ55IZ1) . I am experiencing very slow laser_scan messages and occasional TCP error code: 0. The average publish frequency is around 1.6Hz to 2 Hz even after …
xdaco updated
5 years ago