### Problem
Trying to simply follow the instructions provided in readme is a mere quarter of what needs to be done.
- The installation of requirements is not straightforward as blender uses its lo…
| Name | pdf | github |
| :--- | :--- | :---: |
| |[Motion Planning and Cooperative Manipulation for Mobile Robots With Dual Arms](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnu…
yyf17 updated
2 years ago
Are you able to use this model to generate the next frame image directly? Also, do you happen to have any pre-trained models available?
Nice work.
In your newest version, I have noticed that no DDIM Inversion and Location-Aware Semantic Guidance are needed.
But why can the generated results still keep the original video's location s…
Thanks for your work!
It is an outstanding work for dance motion generation.
I read your "LDA" paper over and over again. And I really hope to know your methods to preprocess the raw data by Madmom…
Time: May 2nd (12 noon UK, 1pm EU, 11pm Aus) [Timezones](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?day=2&month=5&year=2023&p1=43&p2=136&p3=37&p4=771&p5=235&p6=152&p7=770&p…
I noticed if I simply upload new images with the same video and re-run the "Run the xyz case" cell it doesn't seem to change anything. I tried to delete the vid_info.pkl and use a new model_id. It sti…
시작시간 변경 -> 오후 10시 반 시작
* 논문 제목 : 논문제목 작성
* 분야 : 논문 분야
* 논문 링크 : 링크 첨부
* 발표 자료 : 블로그 링크, pdf 등등 가능하지만 파일로 올리는 경우 최대한 크기 줄여주세요.
그냥 이 이슈에다가 정리해서 발표자료로 써도 됨…
- [ ] can we make the screen stay on via web APIs or do we need a PWA shell for that?
Making the current version work on mobile:
- [ ] check whether the movement detection library works on mobil…
>This is a work in progress draft agenda for the [Devices and Sensors WG](https://w3.org/das) meeting at [TPAC 2024](https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/).
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