I'm doing some scheme's implementation, i want to ask in your nizk folder "this hpp implements the merge of (relation R1 and R2) in ESORICS 2015" is which article?
If the `IndisputableEvidence` class (from pyUmbral ver
When using Fiat-Shamir for non-interaction, we need to make sure we're incorporating all the public information we need to into the proof transcript before hashing (this is something implementors are …
See spec, page 17, and the "differences" used in section 3.3.1
See also, page 18, proof details at the bottom
- 0-or-1 on selection (disjunctive) vs. range proof?
- is it more efficient to use range proofs everywhere or better to keep the 0-or-1 disjunctive proofs when what we want is a range of [0, 1]?
This feature would allow you to combine several independently generated proofs of ownership of distinct spending keys in order to be able to spend coins sent to a private multisig address, without req…
Not really an issue, but regarding sentence on page 9/10:
> In academic coverage of this concept, there are a lot additional definitions used. A “witness” is a piece of (usually secret) data corres…
This should cover HPKE, blind signatures (RSA), the OPRF stuff, and NIZK proof details.
At first the migration from curv to k256 will not include zk proofs for Paillier keys. These proofs should be implemented after the keygen enhancements described in axelarnetwork/tofnd#70 are complet…