The m file and spike, continuous and event file is in same dir. ( same error with co…
When I try all available versions of the plugin with the most recent versions of OpenEphys, the GUI will immediately crash after adding the plugin to the signal chain. The following text is the relate…
Change files into `iblsorter` collection
Todo list TBD -- impact on AWS, symlinks, open/public Alyx
Previous TODOS
699 insertions have been updated with the latest spike sorting, but only…
I generated a white noise signal with a std of 10. When playing it in OE, I get absurd std values like 1-2 instead of something around 10 (see image below).
@aacuevas made a reminder that we already have a working alternative host driver to the RIFFA deployed in the field, the FT600 powering the Open Ephys USB acquisition board running on ONI. @jonnew It …
The docs suggest the user can use ``MemoryMonitorData`` to determine an optimal ``BlockReadSize`` which seems to be set by the ``ReadSize`` property of StartAcquisition. We should write a tutorial how…
I want to use LSL with [an Open Ephys Acquisition Board](https://open-ephys.org/acq-board) (ideally two at a time) and Kinect 2. I couldn't find these devices in the supported device list. I…
This issue was automatically generated from GUI logs.file: Foraging.pyfunction: _OpenBehaviorFolderline 1725logfile: W10DT713883/W10DT713883-A_gui_log_2024-10-02_11-13-46.txtboxes: ephys3count: 1text:…
I recently had a problem with one of my recordins. At around 1/3 of the recording the mice chewed the cable returning basically noise and increasing the spike file size a lot. I intended to go th…
nwb_path 000020/sub-604669385/sub-604669385_ses-606271245_icephys.nwb
data_set = create_ephys_data_set(nwb_file=nwb_path)
-> 1248 raise ConstructError(builder, msg) from ex
1249 …