I'd like to use airtable to prototype the back end. if you can create and airtable account, then a workstpace for the tour and invite me that would be awesome. I could do it in my own airtable, but …
Mozsprint is happing for the rest of May. To gain some visibility it would be great to have some issues labeled with "help wanted", "good first issue", "mozsprint" and "openeugene".
To hel…
Mozsprint is happing for the rest of May. To gain some visibility it would be great to have some issues labeled with "help wanted", "good first issue", "mozsprint" and "openeugene".
To hel…
there a little topic link under you repo name. clicking that will let you edit the topics.
What social media do we want links to?
- [x] Eugtech - twitter, facebook, github, instagram
- [x] OpenEugene facebook event
Let's make sure our publicly facing things are accurate and contistant!
- [ ] web site: http://openeugene.org
- [ ] eventbrite : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-eugene-festival-tickets-521103925…
hosting the web site should be pretty streight forward using github pages and a \docs folder on the master branch. start with a simple index.md page in the /docs folder and turn on github pages