@mattyx14 @Reason184
there are still connection problems
[13:28:47.480] The OTX Server Version: (2.12) - Codename: (OpenTibia)
[13:28:47.483] Compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ version…
The framerate limiter is probably the most essential graphics feature, since it makes the client less demanding on your system hardware.
Znote updated
5 years ago
hello, i want to update my old OTS (version from ~2016year) to latest source version from few days ago 10.2019, and I have problem (error) in compilation (PHOTOS) I cant to compile this :/
disu5 updated
5 years ago
After following all the instructions, I am able to compile and run the standalone server.
My tibia client I used with Tibia Load will connect and load my character list, but once I pick my characte…
DATAPACK/WWW/Mapedytor z klientem:
Hello, im new in opentibia script, however im work with programation in another languages...
My question is that i want to implement attackspeed rate by config.lua, so in which file i have to star…
ok first off, i won't make an image for the current behaviour tonight, maby tomorrow if you don't understand what i mean.
the expected bahavior is that the monster should change it's direction acco…
ghost updated
5 years ago
Is too dangerous to have critical files wandering around in the folders.
Not everything is checked by the back-end (tfs) and being allowed to edit such things so easily by just opening the files is…
It would be interesting to have only constants in both OTMapGen.js and border.js and move all ids to a single files, so people could easily change for using 7.6 ids, or [OpenTibia Sprite Pack](https:/…