How do you get the address id for sensor in that module. I have a DS18B20 sensor connected to input 2 of my piface digital.
I get
Could not find sens…
The needed packages for the Pi Face Control and Display are missing in Raspian Buster, similar to https://github.com/RPi-Distro/repo/issues/3
Please provide them.
Best regards,
Class to handle lights that are physically controled via dimmers, which are connected to the digital output pins on a Piface Board.
Please release a new pifacecommon v4.2.2, because we already know the facts, but there is no fix as official package.
Due to kernel change to have much higher SPI clock speed at 125Mhz (raspberrypi/…
Class to handle lights that are physically controled via relays, which are connected to the digital output pins on a Piface Board.
To turn on the lights, it is sufficient to turn on the outpin pin th…
PiFace was working well in combination with ResinOS, but I can't get it to working after upgrading to HassOS.
Noob at this, but it looks like I'm missing a trick to get the board working.
I've got a Piface 2 and a Pi 3 B.
Started following the instructions, SPI enabled, rebooted, updates done. The Pi is s…
In 1.x software FPP was able to tell
if a PiFace card was attached and then it adjusted GPIO setup screen to add the GPIs that the card supported. v2.x does not appear to. I have tested with PiFac…
Running a Raspberry Pi 3 with [PiFace Digital 2 board](https://www.home-assistant.io/components/rpi_pfio/). All I/O works fine running Hass on top of resinOS. When running the same version of Hass on …
The package python3-pifacecommon reports itself as version 4.2.1. However, it differs in one patch from the version from here: https://github.com/piface/pifacecommon.
It misses the patch d4c568926e…