Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of
the package you wish to submit to _Bioconductor_
- Repository: https://github.com/Lu-Group-UKHD/SmartPhos
Confirm the following by …
### Description of the issue:
Richelle et al., in a recent [research article](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667237521000850#!) suggested an approach for interpretation of omics …
Dear neogilab
I have read the paper, the result is very interesting.
Could you provide the Fractions data for me to test the result?
There are 2 citations missing in the `human_protein_citations_refseq.csv`. I checked the missing PMIDs and they are still valid and the `human_protein_function_refseq.csv` does contain the PMIDs. I ch…
This is a list of tutorials that are missing a workflow, if anybody would like to run this tutorial and extract the workflow from their history afterwards and upload it here, this would be a great hel…
Hello! Great tool you have developed.
I was curious as to the specific preprocessing steps for the proteomic data. For instance, CPTAC LUAD seems to contain 11485 proteins, where the original was …
# Design (@brianraymor)
## obs
### modality
Curator MUST annotate.
categorical wit…
# Abstract
Unipept is an ecosystem of tools for the taxonomic and functional analysis of (meta)proteomics datasets. The Unipept project aims to be an easy-to-use and very accessible tool by providing…
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