One component that is notably missing from Dash DAQ is a circular direction indicator to show, rotationally, which way something is facing. This would be like the current gauge component but without a…
First let me thank you for this most powerful gauge tool kit! I use it to create a popular marine open source instrumentation software built on Angular. See https://github.com/mxtommy/kip
Hello, I have been using your library for several years. http://www.meteo-bindernheim.fr/ A question comes up frequently, can we add the indication of the maximum wind speed.
My station allows me to …
F4HTB updated
3 years ago
Trying achieve smooth needle behavior with animated radial gauge seem to be impossible at least on **Firefox 96.0.3 (64-bit).** If the gauge value is changed **a few times before the previous animatio…
In canvas-gauges , could the canvas surrounded by the div element? In my project , the canvas is not display in div.
have any problem?
Nice will be add to WebUI actual CPU core speed
This command we can check actual speed in Mhz
watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo
Every 2.0s: grep "cpu MHz" /proc/cpuinfo …
It does not work for me. There are no errors on the console. The canvas is visible in css inspector but the
guage is not visible.
macOS Mojave 10.14.6
Safari 14.0
12 Nov 04:58:23 - [info] Node-RED version: v1.1.3
12 Nov 04:58:23 - [info] Node.js version: v12.13.0
Dashboard version 2.23.4
node-red-contrib-ui-artless-gauge v…
I would like to sort of "combine" the gauges to show different values at the pointer and the lcd, e.g.
- Windspeed: Show direction with the pointer, show windspeed on the lcd
- Radial Bargraph: Sh…
I want to implement speedometer to display internet bandwidth speed but I want to change its number sequence. I have search a lot but couldn't find anything.
Find below code snippet for the highc…