Presently [only three](https://github.com/adhearsion/punchblock/blob/develop/lib/punchblock/translator/asterisk/component/mrcp_recog_prompt.rb#L87-L96) `RECOG_COMPLETION_CAUSE` values are recognized b…
Hola! Tengo una confusión con el enunciado de la pregunta 5. Este dice:
"Entregue el nombre de todos los pokemones los cuales en sus movimientos contengan las palabras fire y thunder y tengan un At…
Right now the `#record` command is kinda useless because there's no way to get at the recorded audio.
This proposal isn't perfect, though, because you'l still have to rewrite the recording URI return…
¡Necesito ayuda ara escribir el [libro de texto básico de la Universidad](https://github.com/Jsevillamol/Brave-New-World/blob/master/Magia/Infusi%C3%B3n%20para%20principiantes.md)!
Cosas que hacer:
Hi there.
First of all, turbo-net & turbo-http are amazing, thank you very much :)
If I´m not mistaken, turbo-http doesn't work in cluster mode yet, as it doesn't implement the same "behind the sc…
Learning to Read Chest X-Rays: Recurrent Neural Cascade Model for Automated Image Annotation
Interleaved text/image deep mining on a very largesc…
Could use code from https://github.com/karol-depka/RateVote
Entrega final del Hito 1. Contiene:
Postproducción Digital:
- [PD. Cartel juego](https://github.com/ABPMultimediaUA/lab21/tree/master/Entregas/Hito1/Iteracion3/CartelesJuego)
- [PD. Vídeo con la …