It seems, the latest version of aerospike-client-ruby does not support recently added feature, `read-touch-ttl-pct`.
Server option [`default-read-touch-ttl-pct`](https://aerospike.com/docs/server/ref…
Convert remaining uses of `System.read_line` to `IO.BufferedReader`, and remove `System.read_line` and associated runtime system functions `SKIP_read_line`, `SKIP_read_to_end` and their support code.
Пример корки: https://nda.ya.ru/t/jceEUHJB79nFtH
Проявляется на каноничных запросах Clickbench (q23), на Tpch 1000 (q10, q13), Tpch 10000 (q2, q9, q10, q13, q19, q21, q22)
Пример отчета: https://nda.y…
We are conducting a read through of the documentation and want to make a number of changes as we go. This issue will lead to a branch that will be used for this Documentation work.
I really like the simple, compact list, but its design also means that lots of items will stay on the screen when reaching the end of a feed/category. To mark those as read you need to long press them…
Hello !
Thanks for your work.
I noticed that almost all your registers read and writes are wrong, compared to the documentation (refer to [the datasheet](https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/bq25703a…
I'm assuming this isn't the case since I found no docs or no clues about it in the code, but optimally the macro should use the documentation comments for the description of a field, when possible, wi…
The help window content is unnecessarily cluttered at the left side despite having all of the extra spaces on the right. This makes it a little hard for the user to read. While the resizing of the hel…
`import get_data from read_data
all_df = get_data()`
gives the output:
`No module named 'read_data'`