**Context:** [GenericSwapFacetV3.sol#L142](https://github.com/lifinance/contracts/blob/581260dc5e2b8607273f202e54e0b2dbbcef59a6/src/Facets/GenericSwapFacetV3.sol#L142)
**Description:** The contract…
Cf. https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/53246.
Instance method tear-offs have a specialized operator `==` in that they are able to recognize that the equality is being tested with two tear-offs…
For function V4 in ELRS a UI change needed
This ELRS change solve the channel 5 issue on PWM RX without arming
import gleam/bytes_builder
import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import gleam/iterator
import gleam/option.{None, Some}
import gleam/otp/actor
import gleam/otp/…
**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0xf7a015f3ddf4340c4b05c50a50ed383c0990d8ac664a64fdd0e0f799156cf447
**Severity:** low
There are already static constants in Tact that can be declared outside of functions and receivers, but what about the possibility of defining constants within function bodies to enhance code?
**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x017dffd99902155af2700a14f8e27b74075509538389699da72d08cc2cd608cb
**Severity:** high
Please pause the telemetry functions for a few seconds at least when the receiver connects to the radio, and give the Altitude and VSpeed sensors initial values of ZERO (not nil). If we wanted to get …
CI failure link reported on Oct 31
([Request Queueing chainId proxy sync request queue is...](https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/MetaMask/metamask-extension/108711/workflows/28811d5e-c452-4612…
First of all, thanks for this great rest client.
Currently it is not possible to overwrite retry conditions on a request
Use case:
Most requests to a specific API should retry on any error exc…