# Lines of code
**Context:** [AcrossFacetV3.sol#L118](https://github.com/lifinance/contracts/blob/ef2d7bc478ce1e7f5ad6f1060f657864124fa85e/src/Facets/AcrossFacetV3.sol#L118)
**Description:** In the `_startBridge` …
The configuration interface of the k8sattributes receiver is over-complicated. This is an attempt to simplify it a bit.
`FieldExtractConfig` have `KeyRegex` and `Regex` options, which is pretty co…
**Github username:** @0xbrett8571
**Twitter username:** 0xbrett8571
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0xfae0ce3013c55723ebe146775d284899390bba24639fc237691113d420dd33b0
**Severity:** medium
**Context:** [GenericSwapFacetV3.sol#L142](https://github.com/lifinance/contracts/blob/581260dc5e2b8607273f202e54e0b2dbbcef59a6/src/Facets/GenericSwapFacetV3.sol#L142)
**Description:** The contract…
**Github username:** @0xbrett8571
**Twitter username:** 0xbrett8571
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0xf9260727f1ee84280d88ae61c7318be3a43846adc2f68969bde2569e4c686787
**Severity:** high
# Background
In our August 2024 meeting, we discussed the need to standardize calling conventions for OCapN. This issue aims to capture the current state (what our implementations are actually doin…
I'm moving this here, because it belongs to the hardware folder.
The discussion so far:
Or make our own.
Maybe we can start by collecting the requirements, like display type, size, controls,…
Are there any utility functions which can convert position w.r.t scene (Such as coverage map receivers) to epsg:4326? My objective is to convert values like [157.6293, 724.46295, 10.0] to [42.349803,-…
**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0xdc1041f4ca92cb170b5d63c6a73346ea7b6fd114d22adda1c64e0544b3dd40f0
**Severity:** high
### Descriptio…