Determine what graphics/plots we want and what libraries are available.
At some point we'll need to deal with secondary structures that look like this:
Hello, I know this is probably not a bug with the code but I was hoping someone here would know.
I intend to run this on a M1 Mac and I cannot get past the conda env create -f UFold.yml
A few thin…
Hello Jared,
I'm new to Nanopolish but would like to use your software for detection of RNA's native structure, similar to SHAPE-map presented during London Calling 2019. Recently, generated two se…
I'll work on the NAR template. this issue serves as a record.
By filing an issue to this repo, I promise that
- [x] I have fully read the issue guide at https://yihui.name/issue/.
- [x…
Hi, I have followed the steps and successfully built some models. However, I found that the running time for generating the MSA input is extremely long, sometimes it took 1~2 days. Is this normal? How…
Hi all again,
cc: @ThomasDesvignes @mhalushka @mlhack @keilbeck @BastianFromm @ivlachos @TJU-CMC
After giving some time to think, I realized we could ask slightly different for a solution the n…
/bin/bash: bc: command not found
split: invalid number of lines: ?
CalledProcessError in line 104 of /opt/conda/envs/periscope/lib/python3.6/site-packages/periscope/scripts/Snakef…
Hi dear team,
I performed RNAz prediction on an alignment of viral genomes of a specific viral species. To this aim, I first divided the alignment to windows using rnazWindow.pl, then perform RNAz …