feature request: stop chassis movement
Robomaster continuing with motion instead of stopping at the desired position. Please support a ```ep_chassis.stop``` function.
Thanks for your wonderful work!
I notice that the "main.cpp" can be set to load a video ("video = new VideoWrapper(PROJECT_DIR"/video/blue_big.avi")"). It is very useful to use it for offline evaluat…
I don't have PC or Linux desktop, can I use Mac for that.
I hope we have VS Code plug in for Robomaster code build in future.
I made a SDK for Robomaster EP: https://github.com/nanmu42/robomasterpy
Some cool things can be made, like a goalkeeper:
This one uses Go instead of Python and is in constant development (currently does not support everything the SDK provides).
Here is a demo video:
I am unable to find explanation about the fire beam IR protocol. Could you describe it please to be able to interact with your product, please.
Thank you.
I used command: **_sudo docker compose up_** to started the robotmaster S1.
I didn't send any command to _cmd_vel,_ but the robot was moving slowly itself.
undefined: unityBridgecompiler[UndeclaredName]
func Get() UnityBridge {
return unityBridge
## Problem
AI module apply the example model from DJI Education Hub, which detect EP.
TT Drone run the program `01_ai_module_tt.py` in this repository.
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