### Description
I set option:
Mac: &mac.Options{
WindowIsTranslucent: true,
WebviewIsTransparent: true,
BackgroundColour: options.NewRGBA(128, 0, 0, 0)
style css:
### Is your issue REALLY a bug?
- [X] My issue is indeed a bug!
- [X] I am not crazy! I will not fill out this form just to ask a question or request a feature. Pinky promise.
### Is there an existi…
selection de la classe NAF (identique à ce qu'on récupère avec le SIREt) sous forme de recherche avec auto complétion
> an issue with Open Sans itself, see: https://codepen.io/winkerVSbecks/pen/jZKbze
> ```css
> font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
> height: 18px;
> font-size: 16px;
> padding: 0;
> ```
**Issue by [JeffryBooher](https://github.com/JeffryBooher)**
_Friday Feb 07, 2014 at 20:57 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/6798_
Go to brackets.io or downlo…
wget https://github.com/talengu/talengu.github.io/files/15263978/Consolas.zip
unzip Consolas.zip
Rank to Ratio, rank is an integer0 = .00 work, but faking understanding/accomplishment1 = .55 incomplete assignment, big gaps2 = .75 meeting some objectives, multiple little gaps3 = .85 meeting most o…
**What happened**:
I ran:
helm repo add metrics-server https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/metrics-server/
helm upgrade --install metrics-server metrics-server/metrics-server
what I saw:
Leaving this issue here to think about httpx support. I hope to come back to this one day and take a crack at it. I think it should be relatively simple since httpx is written in a [sans-io](https://s…
When you use toImage on a plotly plot the resulting image will not use the font currently on display if that font uses a font that has to be quoted. This is because those fonts are converted from `"Op…