Jekyll - another static page generator - is currently using [Liquid](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/) as templating language.
Having a pipeline to process their tags/syntax would allow to re-use …
Right now, help generation is done via code. For small string generation it worked ok. But with time I feel it is becoming difficult to maintain the help generation code.
Templating engines are bu…
The current [benchmarks](https://github.com/scriban/scriban/blob/master/doc/benchmarks.md) is outdated and need to be updated. other libraries, specially [Fluid](https://github.com/sebastienros/fluid)…
I'm seriously considering archiving this project.
T4 has long been surpassed by far more capable templating alternatives (i.e. [Scriban](https://github.com/lunet-io/scriban) and may others) and th…
Scriban seems to be missing Liquid functions such as 'escape' and 'newline_to_br'. I know there is eg 'html.escape', but when using ParseLiquid() compatibility mode, I think one would reasonably expec…
copy error
### Why do we need this improvement?
Allow for less boiler plate to code to be prepared.
### How will this change help?
Enable classes to be generated at build time based on AsyncAPI document.
Hello! I'm working with Scriban for the last couple weeks and I'm trying to learn almost everything possible to do with Scriban.
Today I stumbled across something that's being hard to figure out. I…
Hey there is a lot of going around HTMX and it would be cool if scribal can support fragments feature similar to this php directive https://laravel-news.com/laravel-htmx
I'm thinking of using Scriban to create json transformation templates. Like Logic Apps kinda does.
Would you be open to a pull request that adds a named parameter to the foreach statement to automati…