From the DVL we have the four individual beams and the calculated relative velocity in three axis.
Ultimate SLAM gives the following odometry data points:
seq: 81792
./Examples/RGB-D/rgbd_tum Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/RGB-D/TUM1.yaml datast/rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_desk Examples/RGB-D/associations/fr1_desk.txt
Currently only stranded data is supported. Some protocols will deliver reversely stranded data, we should add support for this.
Build command:
cd axom/build-toss4_mi250x_cray_rocm-relwithdebinfo/axom/multimat && /usr/tce/packages/cray-mpich-tce/cray-mpich-8.1.21-rocmcc-5.4.3/bin/mpiamdclang++ -DCAMP_HAVE_HIP -D__HIP_PL…
I use the https://github.com/urbste/ORB_SLAM3/tree/master code to run orbslam3. But the tracking is lost.
Can you give some video examples video files(mp4) like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
I am using the UbiquityRobotics/fiducials package, I have followed all the step mention in readme.md file, after using this package I am getting an error as the fiducial_pose(robot pose in map frame) …
Thanks for your package.
I am trying to publish waypoints in python using the following code:
from trajectory_msgs.msg import MultiDOFJointTrajectory
from geometry_msgs.msg import …
i wrote a nms to ping more than 1000 devices and send jitter/packet lost /rtt to zabbix server
unfortunately when i do ping a device i dont have packet lost but when i run main.go for 1000 devices…
Why I use the same execute:
`./Monocular-Inertial/mono_inertial_euroc ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ./Monocular-Inertial/EuRoC.yaml /home/zsj/Desktop/MH01 ./Monocular-Inertial/EuRoC_TimeStamps/MH01.txt da…