Please provide information regarding "NUCC to SCT Provider Role Mappings"
On following link we found that based upon the 2015 Edition Certification Requirements for Careteam CCDS, provide…
In function `gen_bodysite_cr` (https://github.com/miracum/dicom-fhir-converter/blob/master/dicom2fhir/dicom2fhirutils.py#L199) add mapping to map the provided value from the dicom-header (argument `bd…
in https://github.com/neurobagel/planning/issues/52#issuecomment-1790775259 we created a filtered view of SNOMED-CT diagnoses (and likely similar for cogAtlas). These lists are used by n-APIs to label…
原文刊登在 -净琉璃- 同学也就是不倒翁同学的新浪[微博](http://weibo.com/339170005?from=inf&wvr=5&loc=infdomain)中,这里只是为了方便学习放在一起,版权归原作所有。
I want to use this utility create a light RF2 ZIP file in order to test my application workflow.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -Xms4g -jar snomed-subontology-extracti…
### Requested Feature
Currently, Synthea includes the following in its NOTICES file:
> This material contains content from SNOMED CT and constitutes a fair use of such
copyrighted material as provi…
Hier wordt gesteld dat waardenlijsten extensible zouden moet…
I have been reviewing a study definition and I noticed that creatinine is defined in all studies
`creatinine_codes = codelist(["XE2q5"], system="ctv3")`
The NHSD kahootz browser gives the follow…
Snowstorm Version: **8.1.0**
Below are the errors that I'm getting while uploading SNOMED CT India extensions:
`[POST] {{opsUrl}}/imports/1a454b3b-fe12-4013-89e3-4d0b8692c5ef/archive`
Asking for a listing of the SCT concepts / Data elements the ICD uses at this time via the CCDH-appropriate client channels