Joshua Jost helped us identify two problems with the `line_list()` function.
Will review whether they should keep in the future.
someone may duplicate to the unit tests
Here, we can discuss about weekly goals and the plans for the work to be accomplished during the whole project.
Original proposal is available here: https://publiclab.org/notes/alaxallves/03-06-2020/…
Finn-Frederik Stiewe, Tristan Winkel, Yuta Sasaki, Tobias Tubandt, Tobias Kleinke, Christian Denker, Ulrike Martens, Nina Meyer, Tahereh Sadat Parvini, Shigemi Mizukami, Jakob Walowski, Markus Münzenb…
May I ask how you generate multi-spectral synthetic images? Is it using GAN or just using existing RGB and NIR images?
What algorithms / Python packages would be suited for segmenting cells in this kind of microscopy image?
Loading a CASA cube into CARTA. The spectral viewer shows channels, or when WCS is chosen, frequency. No velocity is displayed. This is likely due to the velocity as an additional axis label for spect…
Starting a thread to talk about spectral representation and interchange, there is not a lot of software besides research related one that uses spectrally defined data but having a standard r…
### Instrument
MIRI (Stages 1-3)
### What is your suggestion?
For MIRI imaging (especially with long wavelength filters), the observations are quite background noise limited. Rather than just…
## Bio-Image Analysis Support Request
### Image Upload
📎 **Drag & drop your microscopy image here** (JPG, PNG, GIF, 512x512 or 1024x1024, 2D only).