when i run the command: "python $SWOT_HYDROLOGY_TOOLBOX/sisimp/proc_sisimp.py
rdf/parameter_sisimp.rdf" as descriped in the CNES-SWOT-Hydrology-Simulator-Tutorial, the error occurs as follow:
Use latest LTS version.
Needs the docker file base image "node" updated to node:21.6+ or so.
Check here:
I'm trying to extract `https://registry.npmjs.org/swot-node/-/swot-node-2.0.173.tgz` on __Windows__ and I get this error while calling `.unpack()`.
Custom { kind: Uncategorized, error: "A …
The more accurate footprint can be used once some of these attributes are added to the SWOT Raster 2.0 metadata. I need to clarify with @jjmcnelis which ones are necessary for the update. The new foot…
perhaps as a "derived field" ?
I got "Error getting the token - check user name and password". My username and password are correct in .netrc. The download was not affected and started anyways.
podaac-data-subscriber -c SWO…
(py36dj20) swot@pp:~/pp/zlhopesun$ python manage.py runserver --ipdb
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
May 06, 2018 - 02:15:34
Django version 2.0.4, usi…
Swot contains label named [not-higher-education](https://github.com/leereilly/swot/labels/not-higher-education), but database contains [at least one high school](https://github.com/leereilly/swot/blob…
Подзадача SWOT: Создать структуру хранения данных о проекте
Ссылка на результат: https://github.com/EniLyks/SWOT_from_JSON/wiki/test.json