### Current behavior
Every time I load my app, after updating a bunch of my packages (of note: react-native, expo), I get this error:
Warning: A props object containing a "key" prop is bei…
Hi there!
In #4 you show how to use coordinators with tabBarController. But what if I want to go back from tabBarController? My code:
class TabCoordinator: BaseCoordinator {
target 是11.1
NSURLSessionDataTask *sessionDataTask = [session dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable…
就是当我快速滑动的时候不能快速的切换上面的title, 能不能不使用scrollViewDidEndDecelerating这个方法去监听是否改变了tabbaritem
If you tap on the already selected item again, the whole tabbar freezes can't select anything afterwards.
@CCSF-Coders/TAs-iOS As the title claims I set the tabbaritem.titles but they will not show up which is lame. Also have some UI problems but can work on those, But do have more questions for you guys …
Is it possible to use this with a UIBarButtonItem?
leftBarButtonItem could be hacked as it will always be on the top left of the view, but what abut a rightBarButtonItem?
- (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
- 设置了两个,但是没有一个高亮
func addChildViewController() {
addChildViewController(vc: OverallViewController(), title: "天气预报", imageName: "weather")
addChildViewController(vc: WeatherDetailViewCo…