http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/taxation/other_taxes/dock_dues/index_en.htm says "The French Overseas Departments (DOM) are not part of Community territory for the purposes of VAT"
Awaiting conf…
From @myroslav:
> In our Moldova implementation we have need for extra details of
> organization identification. It is not just different way of identification
> (like different registry or diffe…
Die Hypothesen und erwarteten Ergebnisse des gegenwärtigen Designs (Metaconsensus & Intersubjective Rationality) müssen noch formuliert werden (knapp reicht, keine Prosa)
Careful here; _no generaliza…
can i use this plugin for a taxation plugin for all the players? (online and not)
and can i remove a tag when they don't pay tax?
Automarket idea, brought up this time by @dhuynh08t4
> I have an idea as follows.
> It started with me taking my army to conquer and sometimes when I returned, the stockpile was completely mes…
Hello hello !
Je suis le fan numéro un d'OpenFisca, mais je viens de rencontrer un problème.
### Qu'ai-je fait ?
J'ai harmonisé [sur la PR 1804](https://github.com/openfisca/openfisca-france/pu…
### Feature Request
According to EU proposal
VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) will eventualy replace Vies.
For some countries, like ours, the VIES data service returns linked company info. We would like to be able to retrieve that info too, if a VAT number exists.
Documentation of the webservice: https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/faq.html#item_18