As discussed in today's call, we can think of useful Thingweb component combinations in different scopes. I will write some below but everyone can write some other ones. We do not need to limit to Thi…
Worth creating a unit test for this module? Could be valuable as contributors begin to refactor and add features.
Thinking about the developer workflow for the CRDs that will drive the backstage templates, it would be helpful to allow developers to simply add their dependencies inline somehow.
Consider a deve…
**Issue description**
Working on `setup.sh` is pretty awful. Unless you cobble together your own workflow for it, it looks like
1. make a tiny change
2. mass-rebuild
This iteration cycle is lo…
## Agenda
1. Dinner
2. Vision and future plans of EVA
3. Set Up Commitment Expectations
4. Discuss Set Up of EVA - technologies to use (github, trello, communication channels, website)
5. EVA brief ro…
Executing `npm test` only runs the `router.spec.ats` file. For running the ES5 tests, you should start karma with another config file like this `karma start karma.es5.conf.js --single-run`.
Is there …
yes, this is a click-bait question... :wink:
_obviously_ we can write poor code and still test it and get coverage...
> insert example ...
But... we like to think of code coverage in a packaged foo…
i'm thinking about TDD file structure, test execution and test build process.
I think tests shoold be processed by docpad to be run in dev environnement (if test are written in coffeescript, they will…
Moving this to an issue for public feedback @lpereira95 @ninamiolane
# Introduction
The contributing guide is the face documentation for any open source project contributors. The goal for the r…
The README is clear and explains why the code was written, what the code does and how we can run the app.
### User stories
The project meets all user stories for this week bar the…