**Describe the bug**
Wenn bei einer über das Spielermenü erstellten Schmiedeprobe eine der Teilproben mittels Schipeinsatz und erneutem Würfeln verbessert wird, ist dies zwar in der entspr. Chatcard …
I'm using **_Podman_** for containers and the _**dnsname**_ plugin in order to my Nginx proxy container can resolve the containers name and send requests to the appropriate container. Ho…
Currently, https://tde.space/ seems to be experiencing an issue where it’s unable to establish a database connection, making it impossible to access any of the TDE data.
If your content database has "(none)" assigned to the schema database field, then tde-lib.xqy will throw an error when Creating a Query, in function tde-lib:has-tde() on line 20.
The code assumes t…
I have pretendo-docker running on an AMD desktop computer (the one I'm using right now to complete this issue report), and I'm using an older wireless internet router to act as a LAN connection for al…
O clone dos PDBS nao funciona com KMS :
Cada PDB criado, se cria tambm o service c…
This query:
```curl -v --user 'neo4j:admin' 'http://localhost:7474/export/tableau/tde/MATCH%20%28n%3AMovie%29%20RETURN%20n'```
Produces a segfault on neo4j server (enterprise) 3.3.0.
MarkLogic TDE supports a subset of XML xsd data types (Modules/MarkLogic/tde.xsd). pg_type_id supports a subset of TDE data types (sql:pg_type_id). The documented MarkLogic SQL data types (http://docs…
Initial results obtained running the TDE multi array benchmark (jb/fftw/bm_time_delay_estimator_many) are not confirming our assumption:
For example:
float:aligned:single summary min=110us, p25=11…
When using the field I cannot save any entry due to this error:
tde\craft\geoaddress\services\GeoAddressService::getCoordsByAddress(): Argument #2 ($country) must be of type string, null given…