First, I was thinking about a housewife. Don't misunderstand me, a housewife knows when we leave home, when we sleep, etc. If you realize, Monika knows it too. So, it could be a good idea that she giv…
In order to encourage reviews, and to prevent PRs from being created and merged without reviews within a short period of time (sometimes within one hour!), it has multiple times been suggested (on Dis…
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
since the upgrade to 8.8.1 i see very frequent "charging" for 5 to 15 minutes during the day and this on expensive rates, whi…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I have to go and look up my silly password each time I restart my computer and reconnect
**Describe the solution you'd like**
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not . . . but for my pack it is way to harsh. Time is hard to come by and the dimensions I've included are very deadly. It's expected that people are going to die fre…
### Is your feature request related to a problem?
In this course the amount of sub-channels will grow and it will be annoying to scroll to the current one after some time:
### Describe the solu…
I have a doubt about activating the timescale for the table "OBSERVATIONS". Is there somebody that can share their experience?
In a Sensorthings Training about Frost Deployment, the reco…
The change introduced in commit c9c3f8568a118d2ca868aafa63757238e7d761a4 seems to have broken the PDP10 timekeeping for the TOPS-10 operating system.
Booting TOPS-10 with today's date (merry christ…
Hello! 👋
Whilst auditing Grafana javascript payloads we've noticed that your Grafana app plugin is not taking advantage of code splitting. This is resulting it a large amount of Javascript being pre…
**LOVE THE SNOW!?!** 💙💙❄️❄️ Just it time for winter!!
These screenshots are of screens right next to each other but with different display scalings. but keeping it at the same scaling does not chan…