We need to update our compatibility plugin list for this plugin. It's been renamed to `@zackad/prettier-plugin-twig`
See: https://github.com/tailwindlabs/prettier-plugin-tailwindcss/issues/254#issu…
With prefixing and copying enabled strauss removes the following file of the extended ACF library: https://github.com/vinkla/extended-acf/blob/master/src/helpers.php
This leads to errors since the …
I'm using a twig component like:
Append this
But the whitespace around the div is noise (but still nice for formatting).
Is there a way to ask twig to remove it?
Using th…
is there a plan to implement something like the datatable component in [JSF/PrimeFaces](https://www.primefaces.org/showcase/ui/data/datatable/sort.xhtml?jfwid=d9086) or at least to process nest…
For, some reason, Primordial Caves for me aren't generating. It just stops generating and leaves a giant hole. It's kind of like when you're flying in creative mode to a biome or something in an unloa…
WHEN (situation): as a developer,
WHAT: I want to have more readable shapshots,
WHY: to see the changes that are happening
**Acceptance criteria**
snapshots are wrapped by attributes
SVG is wra…
There is [stimulus plugin for idea](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/18940-stimulus) that allows to type hint and jump from html attributes to stimulus controllers. This works really good. You can…
jifer updated
1 month ago
Thanks for all your work on this plugin. I’ve got the form on my website to work i.e. emails successfully sent and received on Submit using SMTP, but can’t make multiple emails work for some unknown r…
Testé en installation git.
Accès ok, base MySQL ok en écriture.
Lors du clic sur le bouton "Ajouter agent", message d'erreur en "Accès refusé" alors que connecté en "admin".
Seul él…
I apologize in advance if this question is too obvious, but: is there a straightforward way to add support for the [Twig](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twig_(template_engine)) [linter](https://…