Hello! I hope that there will be more love and respect for this awesome project!
I know that we can add custom snippets already but I just want to know if there are plans on adding support with Ult…
For a while, I've been wanting to migrate from UltiSnips to LuaSnip. But, my snippets rely heavily on advanced python setup ([my snippets](https://github.com/SingularisArt/snippets) and its [dependenc…
I want to expand `ptest` into `welcome python` in file ending with html,add lines in `html.snippets`(located in vim-snippets/UltiSnips):
snippet ptest
!p print("welcome python")
I have the following plugins enabled:
When a fenced code block editing a markdown file, eg python, ncm2 provides co…
I am trying to convert all UltiSnips snippets to luasnip with exact same behavior (including duplicate triggers, embedded scripts ...).
To reproduce snippet menu (displayed with multiple matches) i…
I just started (so please excuse if this is a stupid question) using vim-snippets (Neovim 0.7.0) with ultisnips, but I've noticed that with LaTeX (tex.snippets), there are several that expand differen…
**Expected behavior:**
Misspelled words should be highlighted in snippet file comments.
**Actual behavior:**
They aren't.
**Steps to reproduce**
Write a comment in a snippet definition file, …
When I activate clang_snippets, either using ultisnips or clang_complete engine, after selecting one completion option this starts to appear everytime I hit enter in vim:
first of all thank you for this awesome plugin. Just a request, when I was using `coc` used to get apreview for ultisnips.
Now I'm using deoplete, and for floating windows, `float-preview` is su…
I am using this LSP with vim-vsnip, and the LSP server is using clangd. I encountered a problem that is the same as the one described in [vim-vsnip](https://github.com/hrsh7th/vim-vsnip/issues/42). Th…
IC0hO updated
7 months ago