xdg-open (or termux-open) would be a good fall back for mp3, mp4 etc.
Also the OGG profile has a typo (.ogv)
BPO | [43728](https://bugs.python.org/issue43728)
--- | :---
Nosy | @ronaldoussoren, @ncoghlan, @ericvsmith, @ned-deily, @ericsnowcurrently, @serhiy-storchaka, @shreyanavigyan
*Note: these values ref…
When I import it on my Windows (64-bit machine), it doesn't return an error, but this appears: `Expecting pdcurses at: C:\Users\mcsla\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\curses…
The exception code for properly locating the pdcurses.dll in the unicurses.py directory can be fixed to support this failure.
Attaching my diff -u patch (I hope this works).
`wresize`-ing a pad immediately after `wbkgd`/setting a background-color to it, creates the issue demonstrated above in the image:
![pdcursesbug gif](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11987…
I ran pip3 install uni-curses but when trying to import the module as unicurses i get a ModuleNotFound error.
Hi Chiel :)
I use unicurses for Linux and later for Windows, Mac OS.
Actually I'm playing with `pipenv` and I see that `pip install unicurses` or `pip install UniCurses` does not work. The package…
The unicurses test program test_panels_advanced.py fails at the first set_panel_userptr statement.
C:\Python38\Lib\site-packages\unicurses\demos>python test_panels_advanced.py
Traceback (most…
I'm guessing that the pdcurses dll in /unicurses/pdc34dll is somehow not compatible with 64 bit Python 3.6 or Windows 10.
I'm getting a failure to import it (OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a va…