Adding to the Working Group page, include a list of talks and links…
I recently came to know that we are using unnecessary dependent gems which comes with `github-pages` gem.
See more in the comment https://github.com/USRSE/usrse.github.io/issues/424#issuecomment-80…
Clicking on the "Share" button at the bottom of a post for Facebook and LinkedIn leads to an error. The Twitter and Reddit links seem to work.
Example Post: https://us-rse.org/2023-06-26-pride-spot…
It would be great to automate the Slack channel of a PR, rather than being a manual part of our PR checklist.
Potential solutions:
- This can be done with [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/mar…
Here are the events I see on the existing [Google Calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=us-rse.org_8o774r1l7o0v7tv5im6fqaus5o%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York) tha…
After noticing a broken internal link in one of the pages I've written (#9) I've also looked into a few ways to reduce the chance of this happening in the future:
A) https://github.com/benbalter/je…
This surfaced as part of [PR#1555](https://github.com/USRSE/usrse.github.io/pull/1055), but appears to be more widespread. The "Add to Calendar" button creates entries, but they appear on my calendar…
## Abstract
The explosion of Research Software Engineers (RSEs) in the United States created the opportunity to form communities of practice (CoP), groups which share a passion for an activity and …
Right now, we highlight original articles on BSSw.io using carousel, highlights bar and recommend options.
Do we need an additional way to highlight this content? Perhaps similar to blogs?
@alansill I'm a huge fan of Netlify for previewing sites - I have my own free account but I wonder if HPC social could have it's own free account? https://www.netlify.com/pricing/ The interactions wit…