I see that we are getting text groups and absolute frequencies: https://lk353.eu1.eldarioncloud.com/search/?q=%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B7
The problem of progress is that it provokes suggestions!…
ZnUTF8Encoder filters out any U+FEFF, the following answers `'42'` rather than `'FEFF'` for example:
(ZnUTF8Encoder new decodeBytes: #[16r41 16rEF 16rBB 16rBF 16r42])
second codePoi…
# Style
- [x] `book-1.xhtml`: Instead of the comment ``, we should just add the chapter number into the text as an editorial change.
- [x] `endnotes.xhtml`: Having the begin/end HTML comments isn’…
# One-liner
Posts in your network using "literally".
# Full explainer
As the word "literally" works its way from its literal meaning to something decidedly more figurative, it's interesting to watch…
(Please use this issue for [comments](https://jlericson.com/comment.html) on [My answer about using preferred pronouns](https://jlericson.com/2020/10/18/TL_pronouns.html).)
Hi Jon - I recall…
It would be nice if while editing an acronym description/definition, the acronym was highlighted within the input field so you can see the context it was used in to properly define it.
BPO | [27681](https://bugs.python.org/issue27681)
--- | :---
Nosy | @vadmium, @qsantos
*Note: these values reflect the state of the issue at the time it was migrated and might not reflect the current…
* [x] I've read and understood the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/blob/trunk/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).
* [x] I've searched for any related issues and avoided cre…
It might be interesting to include some examples of the pancake sorting problem: