Yes, just like in the animes, when a shipgirl speaks, add an overlay on what she said
我这页面上显示现在的模块数目是 89,618
https://www.npmjs.org/ 显示当前模块数是 89 745
但是我执行 sync_not_exist 却提示
[tools/sync_not_exist.js] start sync not exist modules
[Tue Aug 19 2014 22:06:06 GMT+0800 (CST)] [wor…
I set my feature image in the Yoast Plugin, but when I go to share it shows a different image. I tried several things to fix it and can't seem to get the image for facebook to chagne. FB debugger giv…
Keybase proof language will allow us to quickly change rules for client scraping, in case Twitter or Github et al make a breaking change. ... More details to come on this ticket ...
Currently turbolinks replaces only body and title as far as I know.
I needed to also replace other meta tags such as opengraph and HTML5 microdata.
What would be the best appro…
I noticed today that this isn't showing anything anymore and in console I get error:
n.query.results.rss is undefined
I'm using this only to get facebook-posts so did Facebook change something at the…
Hi there,
the Lifestream for http://bjm.org used to work just find but now it's stopped working. Nothing has changed on the code side of things so I'm a little lost here. The facebook page id is 54…
It is not an issue it is just a feature.
I would just like to have everything in one place, So one facebook filter on left side which can display posts from Facebook.
Is it possible to read posts jus…
@nodeschool/international-day Usually at events we many people use signup pages. It would be good to have meetup/ti.to/doorkeeper/etc. pages for the international-day of each chapter. If done could y…
_Hi, ich hab mal ein neues Label erstellt, da die anderen iwie nicht so recht passen.
Hierzu würde ich jemanden bitten, sich dieses Issue zuzuweisen, wenn er meint, er würde sich damit beschäftigen._