There's currently an ["official" Google calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=b9o52fobqjak8oq8lfkhg3t0qg%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe%2FZurich), but it's currently neither…
## Current behavior
The Calendar view is cut at the bottom
![MicrosoftTeams-image (5)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11750340/130083186-19a9ba46-fc34-438b-bec0-16b5bacd1091.png)
> **Before Submitting:** Double-check that you are running the latest version of the plugin. The bug might have already been fixed 😄
### Describe the bug
On a new computer that is a fresh install …
### Bug, feature request, or proposal:
Tested on Macbook Pro 2015 - Firefox, Chrome.
When zooming the browser out to anything less than 100% for Chrome, a date-picker who's max-date is set to a da…
Especially in combination with the macOS default clock showing the full date, showing the current date as the Itsycal menu bar icon is a redundant information.
**Suggestion:** add the calendar icon…
Windows 10 Pro
PHP 8.2.2
Apache 2.4.51
Baikal 0.9.4
PHP Error is continually repeated about 12 times a second in the log, these errors appeared after I upgraded PHP to 2.8.x. Baikal is operating…
Really enjoying the app. One feature request, I would love to be able to click on an event and see more details about the event (notes, location, invitees, etc). Even if this were to open calendar.app…
AtCalendar 日历选择组件,嵌套在多个组件内部,样式无法显示
# Bug report
## Describe the bug
When attempting to define a custom variable for a filter using themes, the css variable is created correctly but you cannot use the stitches variable in your cod…
% bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guziks/warp4j/stable/install)"
Getting information about warp-packer releases...
Downloading warp-packer...
Creating /usr/local/bin/wa…