Collected Value Title | Data
Page Name |/MapUsingGoogle.php
Screen Size |2160x3840
Window Size |942x1904
Page Size |1101x1904
Platform Information…
https://geocoder.opencagedata.com/demo has a OSM geocoder that giving superior matches with better fuzzy name matching compared to Mapzen and also more descriptive results that can help review the mat…
See lots of discussion in #31. The problem is particularly pronounced in [`appveyor` builds](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/mpadge/osmdata/build/1.0.124), but also plagues travis. Both `overpass` and…
Add a search function to the frontend.
It's great that this is on Packagist, but it's hard to use because Composer doesn't pick up the classes for autoload
`Nederlando` alportas rezultojn sed ne `nederlando`
*Raportite de* @interDist
==> devtools::test()
Loading osmdata
Loading required package: testthat
Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright
Testing osmdata
### Short description
After a successful implementation of react-geosuggest in our open source project I realized that using google places api would not be acceptable due to googles terms of use. …
See review: https://github.com/graphhopper/directions-api-java-client/pull/20#pullrequestreview-778871