When using the webclient with 0.16 (adapted for changes from the changelog), I get an error stating that the mopidy.playback and mopidy.tracklist objects are not defined.
This happens not instantly, …
Should we still use CocosDenshion or move to ObjectAL? Pros/cons?
ObjectAL seems pretty well maintained and supports ARC. http://kstenerud.github.io/ObjectAL-for-iPhone/
When launching on fedora 20, with intel graphics, the game segfaults
when launching from steam, the console output is
OnFocusWindowChanged to window type: k_EWindowTypeSteamDesktop, 0
Game upda…
I have been using the prime player and it is fantastic. However, my Last.fm integration seems to have stopped working in the last couple of days.
I noticed the heart icon was displayed as a cracked …
Now that we have the crux of a user-definable cover search, it will be very straight forward to add the indie music service Jamendo to the list of providers.
Like musicbrainz, coverartarchive & lastf…
Here it is, its an ogg file it should play in the browse but if not then you need a media play that can play that format (I use VLC).
I know there is a catchall "genre" called "Other" but it would be nice to also have two more Genres added:
I am going to totally rework the lore and turn it into what will be the finished product. I would like some help with this, though. I would like it if everyone informed all of the players and staff t…
I figured out that this was the better place to ask than the WordPress support boards, as there doesn't seem to be any activity related to your plugin.
So, I am the web designer/developer/ad…
Iva83 updated
11 years ago
When I try to load my whole library (14000 tracks), I get the following error:
bin/playa '~/Music/*/*.mp3'
sh: /usr/local/bin/id3tool: Argument list too long