The [docs](https://github.com/novoda/gradle-build-properties-plugin/blob/master/docs/advanced-usage.md) specify how you can reference properties files:
Currently there is no error handling for when a request fails to complete. Should be handling all possible errors successfully, including:
- Requests to letterboxd
- Requests to get from Radarr
Hi Cory,
I'm testing this out, but i get an error in Radarr "Invalid request Validation failed:
-- Profile does not exist"
How can I get a list of quality profile ids?
Thanks in advance…
Here is my sample code:
$url = 'https://france.googleblog.com/2018/05/google-celebre-loeuvre-du-realisateur.html';
$html = file_get_contents($url);
$config = new Configurati…
When I make a call to log a review that x-success parameter doesn’t seem to work if I include the date parameter. However if exclude the date I can then create a review, save it in letterboxd which tr…
Is anyone able to import from Letterboxd?
When I attempt to import using a "watched.csv" file, I get the below:
> 2018-01-02 17:54:42.106 [INFO] [][01]: Logging in to trakt.tv...
> 2018-01-02 17:…
Is it possible to add support for letterboxd (https://letterboxd.com/) a movie review site?
Following on the ICEs from #52217, here are the 591 occurrences of ICEs in the [3rd NLL crater run](https://crater-reports.s3.amazonaws.com/pr-53426/index.html) from #53426 (out of the 982 regressions…
hello, i can't get the script to work. i already reinstall everything, no luck. this is the error message :
===== Trakt: saved 558 parsed movies to /home/rudiecantfail/RatS/RatS/exports/20171129050…