Would be great to be able to set the number of cross-val folds. On the MLJAR.com platform I always use 15. Ideally we can set any number as long as number of folds
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from supervised.automl import AutoML
/root/python/MLwebsite/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/__init__.py:15: DeprecationWarning: sklearn.external…
When working with imbalanced datasets, a class may be underrepresented to the point where y_true and y_pred nearly always contain a different number of classes (for example, one class is missing from …
DALEXverse 0.19.8 release summer 2019
# Integration
- [x] readability: vignettes
- [x] readability: NEWS
- [x] readability: DESCRIPTION
- [ ] consistency: pkgdown website
- [x] consistency: …
great AutoML tool!
But I have encountered a problem.
When the final model is `RF`, predict function returns classes (values are equal to 0 or 1).
But for other models (`CatBoost`, `Xgboos…
Add progress bar for training
Hello. It seems that mljar is python2-compatible but not python3-compatible (e.g. some `print ...` calls without parentheses, the `from mljar import Mljar` call in `mljar.__init__`).
Any plan on rele…
Hello. I see you have a github repo for `mljar-api-...` and `mljar-docs`.
Why not create a github repository called `mljar-app` for users to submit issues to?
There used to be a list of checkboxes of algorithms to select from. Now it's empty.