When looking at your description I was wondering whether this library uses kd-trees to determine exact results in the knn and radius search or if there are approximations? For me it looks that you do …
## Initial description
Nanoflann is a C++ library provided by MRPT for building KD-Trees. The library is a fork of the widely-used FLANN C++ library and is mostly optimized for lower dimensional poin…
I'm attempting to build this project and I noticed that you may be missing a file.
Inside of kd_tree_two.h, there is a ` #include "nanoflann_two.hpp"` which does not seem to be part of this reposit…
I was trying to install libtorrent-rasterbar. I've successfully installed it before, not sure why it doesn't work now.
The exact copy-paste from command to error on Terminal:
$ brew install l…
ghost updated
6 years ago
### Description of the enhancement or error report
Use kd-tree for k nearest neighbor search in contact search algorithm instead of naive compare-each-with-each approach.
### Rationale for the e…
In recent months we have added a lot of interfaces to third-party libraries. I think we ought to have at least one tester with **everything turned on**, i.e.:
Configured Features (DEAL_II_ALLOW_…
Add support for add/remove points, with selective tree-rebuild.
How should nanoflann be cited in a research article?
When nanoflann is used from a different project using CMake, the user of this project cannot use nanoflann using target_link_libraries.
In order to do this what it needs to be done is to update the C…
radius_search (in particular [this](https://github.com/CrikeeIP/OPTICS-Clustering/blob/fdeb0e1e5be092f2b59e65cc40021a9a0796bdda/include/optics/optics.hpp#L306)) produces an error in MSVC2017. Seems li…