I have created my own environment and I am interested in checking whether there is contact between the robot's gripper and an object. However, when I run `self._check_gripper_contact()` I get th…
After using `pip install robosuite` the `controllers/interpolators/` folder is missing. A solution to the problem might be to update the `MANIFEST.in` file as pointed out here (https://stackoverflow.c…
I'm trying to create a new environment by modifying your PickPlace example and am running into a strange error. In order to simplify the environment, I'd like to remove the objects placed in the bins.…
Lately, I have started looking into the v1.0 branch. Generally it looks very good, and the refactoring being made is making it much easier to work with Robosuite. Also, all the newly added robo…
Thanks for sharing this great project!
I'm using GAIfO from tf2rl (https://github.com/keiohta/tf2rl).
I choose state-based obs, OSC-position controller and sawyer robot, robosuite v1.0
Is there a way to train a model with a one-liner using [Stable Baselines](https://github.com/hill-a/stable-baselines) or [Openai Baselines](https://github.com/openai/baselines/)?
Hi, I am really interesting in this project. I want use a suction-type gripper in my task. Are there any suggestions you can give? Thanks.
Gaoee updated
4 years ago
Thanks for sharing this great project!
when I run gail/ gaifo on Pendulum-v0, sometimes, return will become nan, I'm wondering why.
[(venv) haoyux@haoyux-ThinkPad:~/tf2rl-master/examples$ p…
Hi, it is very odd, when I test Sawyer-Joint-Velocity-Lift-task with v1.0, it can not get similar performance to v0.3.
I use the same TD3 code, will get good performance in v0.3, as following:
Command: `python demo_gripper_selection.py`
/Users/yukez/Research/anaconda2/envs/robosuite/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/logger.py:30: UserWarning: WARN: gym.spaces.Box autodetected dtyp…