![2016-02-15_10 18 04](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13609369/13058870/f734f21e-d3da-11e5-8a02-5bd7e184d74d.png)
Create a team for each portal color and set their color to their correspo…
I was unable to place armorstands in faction land on Rakuria. I tried multiple places, and the result was a loss of the armorstand without anything appearing.
Is it possible to log ArmorStands?
The armor stands seems to not be fully protected in the plots, any user can break someone else's armor stands without permissions, as for now i have to tell them to cover the armor stands with glass f…
ich fände es cool, wenn man mit einem Command beim Setup von der Arena (z.B. /bw setselect [TEAM]) einen Armorstand hinzufügen könnte, der Lederrüstung und Name in der ausgewählten Teamfarbe hat. …
I get a NPE when i try to use setObject() on a WrappedDataWatcher:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_72]
Um I don't know if you forgot about it or something but my texture pack needs a new texture for armor stands and I can't seem to find any folder for ArmorStands that I can replace, I can find the item…
The problem with animals is they only spawn naturally,they don't spawn if you try breed them,if you use an egg or if you do /mob. You also cannot place armor stands. here is my config http://p…
Cannot see HolographicDisplays with 1.7.\* client
Spigot: 1.8.3
**Server:**This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-044d928-e8c6403 (MC: 1.8.6)
Citizens v2.0.16 (build 1241)
Sentry v1.8.5 (build 28)
**The Spam:**
``` javascri…