See the latest change in my branch for the fix.
I'am trying to make screenshot using celerity_viewer, but my application stops any activity after connecting to celerity server.
Here you can find logs:
Please help
Celerity selects only by option label/text; watir can select by value
In Watir, SelectList has two methods for selecting:
select (selects by text, or label)
select_value (select…
For celerity's table row object, there's a each method where I can pass in a block to be excuted on its table cells. But Culerity throws a "LocalJumpError: yield called out of block" exception. …
HtmlUnit allows you to disable JavaScript with `WebClient.setJavaScriptEnabled(false)`. The only way to do this in Celerity is `browser.webclient.java_script_enabled = false`.
I think this should be…
browser = Celerity::Browser.new :resynchronize => true, :browser => :firefox, :log_level => :off
page = browser.page
file = Dir.pwd + "/pa…
I'm trying to get the list of ``s in a ``. This is what currently happens:
>> $browser.select_list(:id, "select_id").options
=> # b.select_list(:id, "select_id").options
=> ["One", "Two", "Three"…
caius updated
15 years ago
I get the following output when running
> ## mvn -e -P win clean install -Dcuke4duke.bin=cuke4duke/bin/cuke4duke -Dcucumber.installGems=true
> - Error stacktraces are turned on.
> [INFO] Scanning f…