从Sense-X那里的代码训练出来的checkpoint,怎么能在dev-3.x的分支上加载进来。这个[页面](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/tree/dev-3.x/projects/CO-DETR)说 "Models labeled * are not trained by us, but from [CO-DETR](https://gi…
Hello and thanks for your work. I have a question regarding training RT-DETR on a custom dataset with only one object class (e.g. Face). Does this repo work with single-class object detection? If so w…
I fail to download pretrained model ,Could you send the model MDef_DETR_r101_epoch20.pth to my email 1334637558@qq.com
hi All,
how can i do inference for DETR?
i try to load the weight, but got error
_RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for DETR:
Missing key(s) in state_dict:_
are there any person ha…
hello, and thanks for this great work.
i'm trrying to fine tune the model exactly like you descried in DETR Tensorflow - Finetuning tutorial.ipynb, and with hard-hat-workers-dataset as a CSV forma…