While working on updating the documentation, I realized that you have to hammer in quite a bunch of commands to get going. I think it would improve the user experience if nvim-hs would offer an intera…
Although the `dyre` library helps with (somewhat) dynamic recompilation, it is still a bit annoying to use. Compile errors are silently dumped into `~/.cache/nvim/errors.log` and you do not really not…
Minimal vimrc to reproduce the problem.
if has('vim_starting')
if &compatible
set nocompatible
runtime macros/matchit.vim
set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/
The test we fixed couple of days ago is broken again. I added a `.travis.yml` script, but I can't enable Travis since I'm not the owner of the repo. @saep can you enable it? In the meantime I'll be de…
I cannot really make head or tails on how to actually tell neovim which functions a plugin provider offers. I had a somewhat serious glimpse at the python code, but I could not find the proper locatio…
I think we need to start being explicit about the MSGPACK types used in the `--api-info` output. Some languages (read Go, at least) will want to code generate the MSGPACK handling code. To do so, we n…
The thing that scares off people trying out `vim` for the first time (going off of my real-world experiences) is the fact that it comes with default settings that are horrible (e.g. no syntax highligh…