Conforme documentado no issue #9 fazer o formato de múltiplos sprites está gerando conflitos e sobrescrevendo variáveis e mixins do less. Sendo assim, para a versão 1.0.0, vamos seguir com um sprite ú…
@rflgentil Um problema que eu identifiquei aqui é que, se tenho duas pastas com ícones iguais, eventualmente um vai sobrescrever o outro.
The current flag icons look pretty bad on my new retina macbook.
After `spritesmith` a quality of images is reduced. For example:
- one of icons before: https://yadi.sk/i/A-2vCJkpihaqs
- after in the sprite: https://yadi.sk/i/4fUtiflYihasM
Earlier it was working great but now its showing the following error.
``` shell
Running "rollup:files" (rollup) task
The 'createClass Babel helper is used more than once in your code. It's strongly r…
gulp.task('sprite', function () {
var spriteData = gulp.src(paths.html +'/images/sprites/*.png').pipe(spritesmith({
imgName: 'ccc.png',
cssName: 'ccc.css'
How can I set spritesmith options? I try this way, but nothing happens.
``` javascript
var opts = {
stylesheetPath : './dist',
spritePath : './dist/images/sprite.png',
Recloned the repo to clean out my Git setup, having trouble setting up my local environment with Vagrant with this latest clone. Spent the last few days repeating `vagrant destroy` `rm -rf node_module…
This plugin is awesome i am working some proyects with it and it works great.
Now i was wondering my self if is posible do something like this.
.logo_banca_simple {
I have no idea is it a Stylus or a Brunch bug, I use Brunch tool to build css files. Just made issue here https://github.com/jas/stylus-spritesmith-brunch/issues/2