I get the following error message in Jenkins when running a job to create the cucumber report (Jenkins ver. 1.543 and cucumber-reports 0.0.24):
[CucumberReportPublisher] Compiling Cucumber Html …
in Features.java
public String getDeviceName() {
String name = "";
String[] splitedJsonFile = jsonFile.split("_");
if (splitedJsonFile.length > 1)
name = splitedJsonFile[0].su…
If there is a "status":"pending" in the JSON file, this make the parser crash with this following NPE (and the report generation fails) :
at net.masterthought.c…
Sometime, if there is a NPE thrown by the JSON parser
(see https://github.com/masterthought/cucumber-reporting/issues/23),
the Jenkins job is not marked as failed but there is no report available and …
First of all, thanks for a great plugin!
We have some issues where Jenkins reports that file descriptors are leaked, and then starts to fail builds.
To find out what descriptors are open we have …
I'm seeing following error, on trying to run cucumber tests using cucumber-reporting.
[INFO] --- maven-cucumber-reporting:0.0.5:generate (execution) @ mygovscot_alpha ---
About to generate
cucumber-html-report displays
``` html
Oops Something went wrong with ci-rnd-BDD-tests build: 147
The error message (if any) is below:
Unless I misunderstand intention of the tagging, the per-tag summary and individual tag reports are including scenarios for all tags.
Below is a simple example of this problem.
Given that I have a f…
I have a step that contains within it the following:
``` groovy
Given(~'^an unregistered user has successfully registered$') { ->
throw new PendingException("""\
| Unable to run the scena…
When the Gherkin scenario contains e.g. XML, then it's not properly escaped when displayed on the cucumber-reporting HTML page.
![screen shot 2014-01-09 at 10 00 08 pm](https://f.cloud.github.com/ass…