Trying to get peptide/protein reports out of the PeptideShaker project. I ran a search using SearchCLI with options to zip results, mgfs etc. I then use this zip file for PeptideShaker using Pepti…
I put some dummy pins on the map just to show what it's going to look like, but do we have a few actual sites we can seed with?
There are differences for the calculated properties available for compounds only now in ChEMBL 20.
Two examples:
OPS2824291 only has MW
OPS2778764 has SMILES, inchi as well
Why are these differences…
In order to convince people here (at FZI) to use SpiNNaker, I tried to run a comparison between NEST and SpiNNaker. Essentially, our argument was going to be that SpiNNaker can do what NEST does now, …
Abigail Cabunoc Mayes - Space Wranger Science
Abigail Cabunoc Mayes is the lead developer for Mozilla Science Lab, which is a community of researchers, tool developers, librarians, and publishers wor…
For example numerical linear algebra.
Consider the following code:
``` python
import pyNN.spiNNaker as sim
p = sim.Population(3, sim.SpikeSourceArray, {"spike_times": []})
p.tset("spike_times", [[10.0, 20.0], [10.0, 20.0], […
I added a get_v to a pyNN script, but didn't put in the record_v earlier in the script (user error).
When get_v was executed, it tried to read data from the target cores anyway, but as there was no d…
When asking the iptags, the GetTagsInterface class terminates due to a clash in the naming of variables in the run function.
Things is getting a might confused down explainer way.
[DefaultExplanationGenerator.java, Jan 18, 2010](https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/blob/a60e3373802a67f9058feb4fa0545d65f829fc9b/debugging/src/…