There's already an API on the web for Lighting Estimation (https://w3c.github.io/ambient-light/) but it currently only supports getting the ambient intensity.
It would be useful for improving the rea…
The ESP-14 has a 8-bit STM8S003 processor built into the module.
The original design idea was to offer ESP8266-AT-command-WiFi…
In https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/reports/37/:
* `com/applovin/adview/AppLovinInterstitialAdDialog`
* `com/avocarrot/sdk/nativeassets/model/NativeAdData`
* `com/appnext/ads/`
* `com/inl…
U039b updated
5 years ago
We now have the V3 version of the sill deployed in a "Beta Test" through Amazon. This will allow us to have a small group of users upgrade early to the new skill and provide feedback.
I want to us…
**Home Assistant release with the issue:** 0.87.1
**Last working Home Assistant release (if known):** 0.87.0
**Operating environment (Hass.io/Docker/Windows/etc.):** Docker
**Hi, this is to inform you that the recent news published in your website (`https://www.gbif.org/data-use/2CGn24Qg4UwGAwQcGgceqw/refining-predictions-of-invasive-species-using-remote-sensing-data)` h…
I have a problem that when launching simulator mode, and after that ROS master node, no data comes to the /dji_sdk/gps_position or /dji_sdk/gps_health except briefly while ROS master node is launching…
> AI - 人工智能;AR - 增强现实;CV - 机器视觉;DL - 深度学习;DM - 数据挖掘;DS - 数据科学;DV - 数据可视化;IOT - 物联网;ML - 机器学习;NLP - 自然语言处理
After launching ROS master node, I would expect images from different camers to appear on image topics but this doesn't happen. Onboard SDK code camera samples work fine.
I have been able to repro…