We have most of these done, but a list might be hand since we ought to review them together anyway. We need to compute (or understand why we can ignore) stopping powers for the following initial part…
It would be useful, especially for validation of the cosmicemu power spectrum calculations, to be able to accept either m_nu (as currently) or Omega_nu for massive neutrinos.
## Have you checked borgbackup docs, FAQ, and open Github issues?
## Is this a BUG / ISSUE report or a QUESTION?
## System information. For client/server mode post info for both …
CAMB now has a python wrapper with documentation(!) found [here](http://camb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/camb.html). With this I am hoping to compare the basic outputs of the two.
@lesgourg I am looki…
This can be done; as we already wrap class as the cosmology module in nbodykit.
I think this function is counting neutrino final state PFOs multiple times.
For some reason, I've received the following error when calling `:CommandT`:
Error detected while processing …/vim/neobundles/command-t/autoload/commandt.vim:
line 193:
LoadError: cannot load su…
Typo on https://chtoes.li/lethal-neutrinos
> \безусловно может сбить вас с ног.Чувак, СНОВА? Ты вообще можешь **|подать|** по-человечески?
Reader's comment:
Может все же "падать"?
The data quality on research-software.nl could be better/more complete.
Let's spend some time (**3 hours** or so) filling in data according to the plan outlined below.
# Plan
1. Make sure yo…
It might be worth mentioning physics, too. Close enough to math and programming, and obvious application. In fact, I found this github project because I was going to write my own proposal so I can typ…